May 082014

I can’t not write about this, I just can’t.

I have two daughters; in education, loved, precious and free. I have raised my eldest daughter in the tragic shadow of dear Maddie McCann, always fearful, always thankful. Every 3rd May, on the anniversary of Maddie’s abduction, I hold her (just a year younger than Maddie) especially tight and my heart breaks for Gerry and Kate McCann.

Maddie is all over the news again and I thank God for it, for the human determination to find this child.

But now it has happened again. x 234. But this time we know when and where and who. Yet the reaction has been as such you would think it was cattle that had gone missing. It has taken a social media campaign to make the world sit up and listen, to make the world care. How is that possible? There are 234 terrified girls out there, somewhere. Hundreds of mothers and fathers grieving, tortured, lost. Colour of skin, culture, location, politics, religion, NONE of these things changes the fact that these girls, taken because they were being educated, are still missing and were being swept under the media carpet. Why? Why does it have to take a campaign to action a search for them. Are they so disposable?

Did we learn nothing from Malala? She has warned that it will escalate; something must be done, now.

Meanwhile, I think of those terrified girls. Look at the girls in your child’s school – some loud, some quiet, some strong, some weak. The clever ones, the ones with special needs, the ones that skip as they walk, the ones that giggle constantly.

Imagine them all gone, taken to be sold. It’s incomprehensible isn’t it? In our protected, democratic society.

Yet it seems when exactly this happens in some unknown place we turn a blind eye, out of sight out of mind.

Make them headline news, keep them alive. Let your heart break for them.


  6 Responses to “#BringBackOurGirls”

  1. Fantastic post, you have expressed it so well. And so true! Why aren’t heaven and earth being moved to get these girls home safely to their parents?
    Sarah MumofThree World recently posted…Maths wizardMy Profile

  2. I can’t believe that the media have just turned their back on this!! A brilliant post well worth sharing!!
    Lauranne recently posted…Need to do betterMy Profile

  3. I watched footage of this on last night’s news. The wailing coming from friends and family was haunting. Somehow people seem to switch off from this, not being able to relate but you’ve put into words exactly what it’s about: 234 school girls missing, aged the same as mine – someone’s daughter and someone else’s sister. Look at their little faces. This is just wrong.
    suzanne3childrenandit recently posted…This FaceMy Profile

  4. It’s absolutely horrendous what’s happened….. The world can be a terrible, terrible place, so horrible sometimes, it’s hard to get your head around it all. Great post. X.

  5. The media really haven’t done anything about this, have they? I haven’t really seen that much about it all and – as you say – it seems to have been brushed under the carpet. Disgraceful. Thank you so much for linking to PoCoLo Sarah xx

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