Mar 312014

Well, I hope all you mothers out there had a nice day yesterday. I was greeted with a 6am wake-up and, what appeared to be, a pot of snot.

Home-made cards = the best.

Flowers = lovely

Clay handprint = special

Pot of Snot = questionable

It was from my 4 year-old via nursery and she didn’t know what it was either. It smelled of mint (apparently chosen because I like toothpaste – who knew?) and had the texture of molten earwax. I am assuming, after much perplexing and ‘help me out here’ stares to my husband, that it was supposed to be an almighty tub of lip balm. Even poor old Jocelyn Wildenstein would have trouble using that up before Christmas.

Still, I had a lovely day; first barbecue of the year, dog walk and reduced argument rate from the kids.

Today, the tulips are brightening my mantelpiece, my kitchen has some new artwork and the bin smells of mint….

  2 Responses to “Mother’s Day”

  1. Ha! I love how they’ve got no idea what the stuff they bring back from nursery is supposed to be. Dylan recently came back with a cereal packet randomly covered in the cardboard tubes you get in toilet rolls – and a face that said “well don’t ask me!”
    Tom recently posted…My Profile

    • I have a hidey shelf for drawings too, if they don’t ask about them in a week, to the recycling they go. Harsh?

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