Mumsnet Blogfest 2012

 Something for the Weekend?
Nov 122012

On Saturday I rose at some ungodly hour to catch the 0729 train to London. I was on my way to Blogfest! I am lucky as I only live an hour away by train; not just because of the convenience but in the money to be saved in travel, hotels etc.

I won’t bore you with the train journey, but needless to say it was late, raining and in need of a quick dettol but it was, at least, pretty empty. I had assumed there would be a wi-fi connection. There was not.

The rain did not abate as I took the 20 minute walk from Charing Cross to Millbank Tower. On approach, I was sure I was walking alongside some other bloggers, but felt it wasn’t the done thing to it turned out, I was right. I think it was the satchel and the determined yet nonchalant perusing of Millbank architecture that gave them away.

The day opened with a fabulous greeting from Older Mum (in a muddle) and Older Single Mum and a much needed coffee.  Following that, a speech from Miriam Gonzalez Durantes (aka Mrs Clegg) who was excellent. She spoke so much sense and was so passionate and, well, normal. She raised awareness for the rights of women in Africa with her campaign to ‘raise your voice’.

The rest of the programme consisted of discussion panels, keynote speakers and a lot of bloggy chit-chat amongst the delegates. The sessions I attended were informative and I duly tapped away on the iPad like a pro! Well, I was tweeting anyway….and holding my iPad aloft to take photos in the same way as the Olympic athletes I had scorned at the opening ceremony. Shame on me.

I spent my lunchtime nattering with the gorgeous Knackered Mother and chatting to the lovely ladies at the Boden stand and the Granset/Mumsnet ladies. Then I did a swift interview with Skoda and, unlike my husband, they did NOT laugh at my idea if scrapping the glove box and having a big shelf for my handbag. Then, WHO do you think won the Portland Hospital bottle of champers? Yes! ME! I reassured the stallholders that it couldn’t have gone to a better home…..

In the afternoon I attended the ‘Beautiful Blogging’ session, believing I would learn how to make my blog more aesthetically pleasing. Alas, it was a session on beauty blogs but I did learn that Creme de la Mer really does work and not to believe any beauty hype in glossy magazines. And I got a free tube of bust and neck firmer from Mamma Mio, so I can’t complain. If only I had a bust to firm……

The highlight of the day was seeing my girl crush, Caitlin Moran. Just as fabulous as I thought she would be. You know when you have a bit of hero-worship going on and then when your dreams are realised it’s not how you imagine (like my seeing Jason Donovan at the Strictly set last year). Well, Caitlin was every bit as funny, clever and mad as I hoped she would be.

The day was topped off with Prosecco from Pizza Express (alas no pizza, but hey) and some very tasty hunks of cheese from the British Cheese Board. A stroll back up Whitehall gave me a very apt Silent Sunday photo for Remembrance Day and some stunning views of Big Ben that, of course, did not come out in photos. Sitting on the train I delved into the mother of all goody bags. Honestly, I was expecting a few samples and lots of leaflets but this was excellent stuff including a Boden Umbrella and Caitlin Moran’s Moranthology.

I only started blogging last year, so this sort of event is still new to me and in my humdrum life of work, kids, cleaning, work, kids, cleaning it is a welcome break to escape and revert back to my former self. The one that has an identity and is autonomous in her thoughts, actions and opinions. To be able to turn up somewhere and be recognised by what I write rather than my parental status was enormously refreshing.

Btw, for those of you who were there, I did Caitlin’s second paragraph thing.  Worked a treat!

Link up for The Monday Club below.  Come on, share the gossip….

 Posted by at 07:11  Tagged with: Blogfest, blogging conference, mumsnet

  15 Responses to “Mumsnet Blogfest 2012”

  1. Great round up Sarah. So delighted to spend the day on and off with you. Have linked up my take on the Liz Jones thing!

    • Brilliant, thank you! Now have the linky showing up properly…

  2. Great write up of a fab day! Lovely to see you! That goody bag was fab – I was very impressed with the contents! :o).

    • Yes, I shall be removing stretch marks whilst painting my toenails, reading and sheltering from the rain!

  3. Sounds like it was a great day; sorry I missed it. Congratulations on the champers too. Result!

  4. Great roundup Sarah.
    Sounds amazing- I’m very sorry I missed it. And I quite agree, the champers couldn’t have gone to a better home. :-)

  5. Hello, think I met you in the lift :) glad you had a good day.

  6. I have always wondered about Creme de la Mer! Have linked up from the archives this week as it’s about something that is always at the forefront of our lives. :)

    • Just wish I could afford it! Thanks for linking up again! X

  7. Was lovely to meet you over the champers and cheese. Great post you’ve written too.
    Liska xx

  8. Great post Sarah! It’s made me think about going next time! xx

  9. […] I was impressed; it was well-organised, professional and had some excellent speakers.  See my post HERE to read more about that or click below to have a peak at what goes […]

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