Silver Linings

 Blog, One Week
Mar 112014

Months of torrid rain has made this winter into a soulless place. The only silver linings were the clouds; the skies were full of the most wonderful, billowing clouds, often framed with silver as the sun nestled just behind them. I saw rainbows in their midst and we turned their shape into fairy-tales with giants and butterflies, witches and galloping horses. Evening brought bright skies full of shepherds’ delight with clouds stretching back as far as the eye could see. Just glorious.

Linking up to Older Mum and #oneweek



  5 Responses to “Silver Linings”

  1. Beautiful… what a wash out this winter was; I found it quite the challenge writing about it…. your clouds are lovely. Thank you very much for joining in (psssst… you need to link it up still :o) )…. roll on spring. X
    older mum in a muddle recently posted…#One Week – Winter ’14 – The TurnMy Profile

  2. And ps… love the new blog header – it’s very you! X

  3. Love the new look Sarah and the great photos too. The skies have been really special this winter haven’t they?
    Mayfair Mum recently posted…Review | New Carte Noire PodsMy Profile

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