Feb 152015

So, how did February get here so fast, eh?

I have survived Friday the 13th and side-stepped having to watch 50 Shades of Shite at the cinema.

Valentine’s Day has been and gone as has my littlest daughter’s 5th birthday. Tomorrow is Shrove Tuesday and that doesn’t just mean pancakes, that means Lent. I know what I should give up (alcohol), what I might give up (biscuits) and what I will probably give up (trying).

I don’t do Dry January, mainly because I think January is the most miserable month of the year and possibly the time when some wine-fuelled joy is most needed. Lent always encompasses my birthday and, much as I like to think I’m strong-willed, I am not and the thought of dragging myself through another birthday without alcohol to numb the pain is, frankly, a naivety. I am also off for a couple of weekends away in March and living’ it up with a diet coke just isn’t going to happen.

Biscuits are a maybe. I teach and the significance of a choccie digestive at 11am is highly under-estimated by the majority of the population. There was near-revolution in one school I worked in when, in recessionary cuts, they stopped supplying chocolate biscuits to the staff room. Talk about cut off your nose to spite your face. The power of a sneakily dunked bourbon was missed completely.

I am (as ever) determined to give up something…which of my vices it will be may well be a last-minute (and hastily revoked) decision.

My birthday, I don’t mind so much this year. Dragged kicking and screaming into my forties, I now discover I have never felt so confident. It’s great. I no longer give a damn about what people think of me or how they will judge me if I choose to wear my hair in an Elsa plait despite my tell-tale wrinkles. Sod it; I am loving the freedom of my forties and have never felt so good about myself. I am in full-flow mid-life crisis (new car, new *sort of * career, and, as my husband has commented, wearing a lot of bangles. I am re-living my A-ha days…).

Yep, February is a great month for me. Full of ups and not so many downs.

Wish I could say the same for March…


  4 Responses to “February”

  1. Yeah, sod Dry January. What a ridiculous idea that is. That said, I’ve cut down on wine and no longer drink every day – that’s the closest I’ll ever get to giving anything up. Glad to hear you’re feeling good about life – I’m feeling more confident the older I get too. Think I’ll put it down to the cumulative effect of all the wine I’ve necked to date…
    Tom Briggs recently posted…My Profile

  2. This whole cycle of giving up things for parts of the year is a nonsense, if you want to make a change make a lifestyle change so it sticks. Plus of course how many of the people who give things up for lent are actually religious and understand what lent is? Rant over :)

    Interestingly I’ve found I drink a lot less now I have kids rather than more as some people do. It’s hard enough getting up some mornings without feeling a bit hungover.
    Ben recently posted…Baby wearing for dadsMy Profile

    • I gave up sugar my tea last year and that worked! I don’t think so many people do Lent anymore; there are so many other things to to ‘for the greater good’ that it IS done more for religious reasons than not. I think.

      I have decided to take up the 40 day challenge of generosity this year…http://40acts.org.uk/the-challenge/

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