Jan 232013

I wonder at myself sometimes.

Last night I spent about 30 minutes on the Internet trying to find out how a Mary Berry ties her scarf. Yes, I look to a 77 year old woman for fashion advice. But you see, every time I watch the Great British Bake Off I always find myself admiring how she ties her scarf; a sort of double loop thing.

So, freely utilising the verb ‘To Google’ I thought the answer would be at my fingertips…..not so! Clearly, this is one conundrum that has flummoxed the geeky elves at Google Towers. Eventually I found an excellent YouTube video entitled ‘25 ways to wear your scarf in 4.5 minutes‘ which I have posted below and I think the Mary Berry one is no. 15 – The Magic Trick.  For scarf-wearers, it is a great video – I am mightily impressed with the diversity of scarf-tying…



An addendum to this is these pictures I found on Pinterest.  I think this could be it!


Or this where you thread one end through under the loop and one end over

So, there you are. An unfortunate insight into how I waste spend my Tuesday evenings….

Next week: How Paul Hollywood trims his beard*



*Not really. Pity…

  19 Responses to “Mary Berry’s Scarf”

  1. I love this. I love scarves. I love Mary Berry. Bring on the beard trimming!

    • Yes, I am inspired to sassy up my scarf tying now! And I’d trim Paul Hollywood’s beard any day….fnar fnar!

  2. Thank you! I’m never without a scarf and if there’s a hint of purple, even better :)

  3. Now I know how I should have been doing this…..

  4. I am ASTOUNDED by how great that video is!!

    And can we get the real Paul Hollywood on trimming his beard?
    *too much innuendo, too little time*

  5. Dear Sir,

    You are, of course, quite right in your admonishment. I stand before you, knuckles well and truly rapped.
    I was hoping to redress the balance with a Debrett’s guide to beard-trimming, but there is some debate over the accepted length of whisker.

    Yours in humble repentance,


  6. My darling has at least 25 scarves so she could tie a different knot in each one :)

  7. Blimey it used to be just fling it around your neck and that was that! You almost need a PHD to work it all out LOL I’m a real scarf fan, I even wear little light material ones in summer too so thanks to you I can now actually attempt to wear mine with style!! :)

    • I am trying a new style every day! But my scarves are woolly and less elegant…..ah well!

  8. i love Mary Berry so much! my husband was saying why do i watch great british bake of thats the reason! and Paul too hes a silver fox ;)

  9. […] I wonder at myself sometimes. […]

  10. The information and facts on this site is pretty invaluable. I have learned a large number of pointers.

  11. Ha ha not a bad way at all – I love scarves. Will be practising ;-) Did not know there was so much science behind wrapping a piece of fabric around one’s neck!
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  12. Ha ha, this made me chuckle. I once pinned a 50 ways to wear a scarf. I’ve not made my way through trying them all yet though…scarves make me too hot!

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