It’s so funny, how we don’t blog anymore…

Dear Blog, It’s been a while since we’ve spoken and it’s my fault; I’m just so busy. I won’t bore you with the details but it ranges from the wildly exciting to the excruciatingly mundane and I just don’t have any more time or energy to write to you. I’m sorry about that. I still [click here to read more]

Body Language #showusyourbelly

My body speaks to me; the ultimate body language. It says: ‘FFS turn the lights out.’ ‘Yes, your bum DOES look big in that.’  ‘You used to be so much slimmer, I mean LOOK at you!’ ‘Really? Shorts?’ ‘Stop eating. Just stop.’ ‘You look hideous in that, just look at your belly.’ Ah, yes. My [click here to read more]

Britmums. Live. Da, da, DAH!!! (for the Croods fans amongst you )

Yep. In 5 days time it’s Britmums Live. And this year I am a butterfly. No, not literally, but there to smile and chat to the more apprehensive amongst you and assure you that we are all the same. Some might seem louder, but that’s just compensation for nerves. Crap. I’M nervous and I’m a [click here to read more]

A Near Miss?

I have been having a bit of a rant to anyone who would listen to this week and I thought it only fitting that I should my views to you lovely lot as well. Last week I read an article that really grabbed me. I am one of the few teachers that actually read the [click here to read more]

What a To Do

Oof, it’s been one of those weeks. You know the kind; you start with it all planned out and then it decides to head south. Via the M25 on a Friday evening. A lot of stopping and starting, a lot of muttered expletives and despite all your efforts to keep ahead of the traffic you realise, [click here to read more]

London Zoo

Last Friday I had the opportunity to go to a bloggy thing at London Zoo. I’ve never done one of these before and I was pleasantly surprised. I was able to take my 4 year-old daughter with me and while we were do the ‘grown-up’ stuff, she was taken very good care of by some [click here to read more]


If I were a man, I would be outraged at the blatant sexism in this title. But it’s true; I have man-flu. I’m dying (I’m not) My head is about to explode (it’s still intact) I can’t smell anything (except the kids’ chipolatas cooking – is there a spare one?) I can’t taste anything (except [click here to read more]